Monday, March 26, 2012

New York State of Mind

I know I've been a little MIA lately. Usually I try to post once a week, but that just hasn't been doable this semester. However, I want to pop in and say "hi" when I can!

I want to share some exciting news with you all. I will be graduating in May, which is a little bit scary. I love Greenville, SC, which is where I grew up and would love to work one day. However, I have always thought it would be cool to work in NYC, even if it was for a short period of time. In fact, I would rather it be a short period of time because I'm not sure I could live in a huge city like that long-term. So, I decided I would try to land one last summer internship before I settle down with a full-time job.

The internship search began. I filled out lots of applications and sent countless resumes and cover letters. A couple weeks ago I had a Skype interview with a company called Hunter PR. That interview led to second Skype interview, and then last week they offered me a full-time paid summer internship with them! After working out some details, I officially accepted and am so excited!

This will be a whole new adventure to me as I don't know my way around the City and don't really know anyone up there. I've been to NYC before, but it's always been for short visits and I haven't been in a few years. I should also mention that I am directionally challenged, so thank goodness for helpful apps like HopStop to help me get around. Now I just need an iPhone :)

Now I am in the process of trying to find a place to live! Wish me luck!