Monday, November 29, 2010

Design Like a Diva

The holidays are here. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Black Friday is over. It's finally "legal" to play Christmas music. Let the Christmas decorating begin.

At my apartment we get lots of magazines. We never actually ordered these magazines, but my roommate Lindsay went through this phase where she entered a ton of sweepstakes. Shortly after, we started receiving various magazines in the mail, so sometime during that phase she forgot to uncheck the boxes that say "Sign me up for...." However, I enjoy flipping through magazines so I am definitely not complaining. Thanks Lindsay. One of the magazines we get is Martha Stewart Living, and we recently received the holiday edition which inspired me to do a little project...

I decided to make my first wreath this weekend. After hitting up all three craft stores in Greenville on Black Friday (middle-aged much?), I finally had all my supplies to begin my project. This is the link to a picture on the cover of Martha Stewart Living which inspired me to make my wreath. Here are the supplies I bought:

  • Foam 12 inch wreath ring
  • Silver tinsel
  • Metallic Bows (here are examples of what I used, but I found them at Hobby Lobby)
  • Different colored jingle bells
  • Floral pins
  • Wide ribbon for the bow 
Here is a picture of the supplies to give you a visual

The first thing I did was wrap the wreath completely in tinsel while using the floral pins to hold the tinsel in place. The wreath in the magazine did not have this, but I didn't have to buy as many bows by doing this. It also helps the wreath look fuller by covering every part. If you don't want to add bows, you could definitely decorate the wreath with this as your base. 

Next I went through and pinned the metallic bows around the wreath. Like I said, you don't have to use the bows, but I think it gives the wreath more depth and detail. After pinning the bows, I started pinning jingle bells randomly around the wreath. Below is a close-up of the wreath after I pinned the bows and jingle bells.  By the way, you don't have to use jingle bells, go to your craft store and pick out whatever decorations you want to put on your wreath!

 The last step is adding the bow at the bottom. My mom helped me some with this part because I don't have much experience making bows, but you don't  even have to add a bow if you don't want to.
 Here is the finished product!

I did my project a little different than the directions in the book. They used a wooden wreath ring and hot glued everything on. I didn't use any hot glue but instead used the floral pins. The foam wreath ring is definitely a lot less sturdy than the wooden one. Like I mentioned earlier, you can add different details to your wreath. I had a certain color scheme in mind, and jingle bells were the only details I could find that went along with that color scheme. The more creative the details, the better! Have fun designing your wreath!

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